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To the men of the world

Dear Men of Planet Earth,

I’m sympathetic, slightly. I don’t understand the appeal, but I know that for some reason, God created you to be attracted a certain way, and He created women to appeal to that attraction. Here’s the thing: When we’re having a conversation, I (as a woman) am looking at your eyes. I SEE you. I see your eyes dart away from mine. I SEE YOU. Do you get that? When you’re walking past me in a hallway, and we make eye contact, and then your eyes dart down, I SEE YOU. We all see you. I’d love to say that it’s flattering, but when your wife is standing a few feet away, or happens to be one of my friends . . . it’s sick, and it’s awkward. So you think boobs are cool. Awesome. I’m not a guy (or a lesbian), so I totally don’t get it. But I know that they’re private, and that these girls aren’t yours. So do the women of the world a favor and work on your eye contact, and remember, WE SEE YOU. EVERY. TIME.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous
Written From: Hot hot heat, TX
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Letter TO JAIL

I just read your letter, and I wanted to write back write away. I know we are not blood, but we are all created by the same god and I love you brother. I wish you nothing but the best and I will keep you in my prayers so that God can save you and shine his light down on you every single day may you receive his blessing, I pray for god to enlighten you and show you the way to his glory, I pray for god to be your guide through the valley of the shadow of death,, he will save you from its darkness. I BEG YOU FATHER TO TOUCH MY BROTHERS HEART AND GIVE HIM YOUR LOVE! please father I pray that my brothers soul be in your hands and that can save him and bring him home to his family. Please bring him god. I ask you to manifest your power in his heart and bring my brother home to his family a man of peace, a man of love, a man of respect and most importantly a man of God. I pray for you my brother so that you can come home and live with your family and live in peace. I hope God can teach you to be humble and fill your heart with faith, BECAUSE ONLY GOD, my brother ONLY HE can save you! Come back home to your family but don’t forget that GOD CREATED US BOTH and that he saves us EVERY SINGLE DAY GOD SAVES US! and we have to thank him because he loves us and his love for us is what keeps us alive.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous
Written From: San Diego, CA
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Stuck in the middle

Dear Middle Man,

It occurred to me this week amidst all of my moaning and bitching that you probably have the worst job possible. Decisions are made that need to be implemented and regardless of which way the outcome goes, you get the shaft. Great outcomes mean that those above you get praised for being so insightful and forward thinking while you get a pat on the back for doing job. But what’s worse is if things don’t go according to plan. When the shit hits the fan you are the one holding the bag, trying to salvage what you can from a decision gone terribly wrong. You are the one that people point fingers at. You are the one who takes the frustrations of those negatively effected by a terrible call. You are the only face that people know to blame.

You are still just doing your job.

That whole saying of give credit where credit is due doesn’t really seem to apply to you. I was once told that there is no such thing as a wrong decision. There are only decisions that lead to other decisions. Regardless of who negative the outcome, there will always be another decision tomorrow.

It’s now my time to decide. I will do my best to decide to put my big boy pants on and quit taking petty crap out on you, The Middle Man.


        – Dave

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Dear Flag Lady

Dear Flag Lady

I can’t imagine how your brain passes the time all day, standing in the cold and rain; likely receiving not-so-positive responses from those you must delay.

With the seemingly endless project happening near my house, I admit I have lost patience with all people. Hearing the non-stop construction noise is so grating. You my dear orange & yellow traffic controlling friend, you set my mood right when I drive by you. Each morning and afternoon I’m stopped, though only for a moment, and you present me with a smile that just makes my day, that makes me forget about the mud, noise, and other insignificant things in my life.

I truly hope that you are treated with due respect, but somehow I get the feeling that even if you are not you will still make it a priority to brighten up others’ days.

Today’s letter was written by Name: H.T. 575 Twitter: haikutube Blog: http://haikutube.wordpress.com Written From: Canada
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Dear Food Court Kid

It’s not too often that we see integrity or respect coming from a young generation. To guess your age, I would say young teenager. It was a simple thing that you did which spoke volumes about your consideration of and respect toward others.

You were eating lunch at the food court in the mall with what I assume to be your brother and father. After you meals, your brother left the table and your father got up to put on his jacket and you instinctively gathered up the lunch garbage and took it to the trash bin with the tray. It seemed natural for you to do that; not even being asked.

You wouldn’t have seen this, but the lady whose “job” it is to clear the tables was standing behind you, saw what you did and the look on her face was priceless; positive bewilderment. I’m pretty sure you made her day.

In a time when it’s hard to encourage people to not litter, you’re setting an example of something so much more – a lesson that not just “young” people need to adhere to.


An observer.

Today’s letter was written by Name: H.T. 575 Twitter: @haikutube Blog: http://haikutube.wordpress.com Written From: Canada
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The Quiet Strength of a Younger Generation

Dear Young Equestrian Rider, I was pleasantly surprised to see you atop of you beautiful brown horse, galloping around the arena as you practiced your jumps. There is something about the way in which you gracefully command the respect of such a powerful animal that inspires me. Your young adolescent frame looked as though it didn't belong sitting in the saddle of the large beast. But the way you playfully guided her through the course you no doubt know like the back of your hand, it appeared as though you are a seasoned veteran who is not riding an animal but rather a working with a friend. There are often times that I wish my quiet presence alone demanded the same respect that I saw in you. You were calm, gentle, reassuring, and strong. Don't ever lose that quiet strength. You will need it more often than you know.