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The Quiet Strength of a Younger Generation

Dear Young Equestrian Rider, I was pleasantly surprised to see you atop of you beautiful brown horse, galloping around the arena as you practiced your jumps. There is something about the way in which you gracefully command the respect of such a powerful animal that inspires me. Your young adolescent frame looked as though it didn't belong sitting in the saddle of the large beast. But the way you playfully guided her through the course you no doubt know like the back of your hand, it appeared as though you are a seasoned veteran who is not riding an animal but rather a working with a friend. There are often times that I wish my quiet presence alone demanded the same respect that I saw in you. You were calm, gentle, reassuring, and strong. Don't ever lose that quiet strength. You will need it more often than you know.
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I think it’s pronounced “Yogging”

One year ago today…

Dear Jogger,  I tried to workout this morning and it only lasted 10 minutes. Yet here you are running in the rain. You inspire me.
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Do You Hide When It Rains?

Dear Storm Trooper, It happened in the blink of an eye. From my perch in the 4th floor cafe of my office building I could see you coming from a mile away, sauntering easily down the sidewalk in the sunshine on this coolish spring day. I placed my coffee cup under the cappuccino machine and watched it brew. When I looked up, the sky hadgreyed and the downpour had started. As you briefly stepped under the shelter of the overpass to assess the situation you realized there was only one thing to do. In one quick movement you were back on the sidewalk, head up, walking with firm deliberate steps. Not running. Not hiding. You knew that in order to complete your journey, you would simply have to weather the storm. Too often, many of us find ourselves in similar situations. Life is good, the sun is shining. Then the storm hits. Our tendency is to step under the overpass, until it passes. We hide. But not you. You stepped out, head held high and pressed on.   I will strive to do the same.  -Dave