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Grace vs Illicit First World Expectations

Dear First World Consumer, It hit me like a ton of bricks today as I watched you glare at the cracked screen of your Blackberry while trying to navigate your social media streams: When did perfection become the standard? In our hyper competitive first world continent, it seems as though there is no room for flaw. We need the newest, the best, the fastest and if it's flawed, we deserve it to be replaced for free (even if it was our own damn fault that it got dropped and broke in the first place). Is this the reality in which we live? Are we, as humans, flawless? So why is it that we expect every product or service we use to be something we are not? We expect something from others that we can not in fact deliver ourselves. The sad part is that when we're disappointed, we take it out on the things (and worse, others) we illicitly expected to be perfect in the first place. Where's the grace in that?    -Dave
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The Aroma of BC

Dear Pot Smoking Neighbour, Thanks for the constant reminder that I live in BC. It's also really thoughtful of you to wait until my kids go to bed before you stand in the middle of your yard and smoke weed. Much appreciated.
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I’m a Whiny Little Bitch (So now what?)

Dear Displaced Refugee Rapper, Hearing your perspective made me realize just how good we have it here and how much we bitch like the spoiled brats we are. You come from war torn Sudan where barely escaped with your life and now call Canada your home. Simply put, your story is one of how my country saved your life and gave you the opportunity you would never have had otherwise. Yet what do I do? I bitch. I complain. I whine. I don't vote. I don't change. . .  . . .I'm ignorant to the amazing life that I am privileged to have; the one that you literally almost died to get.    (PS - I'm glad your voice is being heard)  -Dave
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Before There Was Social Media…

Dear Bickering Old Fuddy Duddies, So here you are, sitting down over coffee while bickering back and forth about a variety of different topics. Normally I'd write you off as a couple of grumpy old men who had nothing else to do but bitch at each other for no other reason than because no one else would listen to you. But as I listened to how what you were talking about and the depth of the conversation, what I realized is that you two are the epitome of what I love about social media. You have no problem openly sharing your opinions and challenging those of others, not because you're a couple of sticks in the mud but because you truly want to stretch your own perspective in the hopes of continuing to grow in your aging years. You educate a younger generation who simply sits on the edge and eavesdrops on your converstations. You are no grumpy old men fighting over useless things. Rather, you are wise leaders who are brave enough to speak their minds about your own convictions. Our culture has a lot to learn from you.   -Dave
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Hey Jesus, FETCH!

Dear Dog Walker,  I'm pumped that you named your dog Jesus (Hay-zeus). I will admit though, it seems odd to hear someone commanding that Jesus do certain things and respond a certain way. However, I can't the feeling of deja vu.  -Dave
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Shaping a generation, one soccer game at a time

Dear Proud Soccer Dad,  I can only assume that the lunch spread you had laid before you was a victory meal. Judging by the smile on your son's face and the shinpad clad legs happily swinging under the table, there was no other place your little boy would have rather been at that moment, and it wasn't because the soccer game was won. In fact, I'm sure that didn't even matter. It says a lot about you and the role in which you've played in his life. There are a lot of fathers who don't get the chance you have, and some who simply choose to play no part at all. But not you. You're choosing to shape and form the next generation. Keep going. You are making a difference.  -Dave
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Don’t Let Assholes Determine Your Worth

Dear Down Trodden Cashier, Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things is stressful and scary. Quite honestly, you looked like a deer in headlights that could only say two word: "I'm sorry." You looked frazzled and completely out of your element which showed in your lack of confidence and overly apologetic manner. Pushy customers wanting you to bend the rules because of their own selfishness and ignorance didn't help the situation at all. I know you were just filling while someone was away, but what if you hadn't been? What if this had been your first week in a brand new job that you really wanted to get good at? Too often we forget that we have a role to play in the success of those around us. Too often we push to get our way without considering what our selfishness may be doing to the confidence of those who are serving. We all make mistakes. It's how we learn. Yet our current cutlure doesn't accept any level of failure as an option. We don't care that it's your first day. You'd better be perfect. Don't ever apologize for learning. Don't ever give up because some asshole thinks he is better than you.  -Dave
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Efficiency vs Creativity

Dear Cultural Matriarch, I never expected to have the 2 minute conversation about the push for perfection that our culture has forced on us in recent decades, yet that's exactly where I found myself. With your chin almost resting on my shoulder, you were standing uncomfortably close as your grandson clung to your side. Your assessment of how we illicitly evaluate and reward or punish based on efficiency was spot on. It seems like our factory mentality hastrained us to simply follow the rules and we'll be fine; as if those who wrote those rules think we're idiots who are incapable of an innovative idea. The "failure is not an option" mentallity is what kills creativity and innovation. Keep telling yoru grandson to imagine and create. Keep telling your him to be the best he can be; to not be afraid to fail. He will be great and it will be a result of the solid support the grandmother I met while waiting for my coffee.   -Dave
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When Worlds Collide (Punk Rock Fruit booter)

Dear Punk Rock "Fruit Booter", I love how the Suicidal Tendencies patch on the back of your army jacket and roller blading don't fit yet you still rock those blades hard doing moves that figure skaters would be envious of. Your twirls, one leg strides and other sweet moves that you're doing around me while I write this make me want to join in. I love how you're totally lost in your own world, one that makes no sense from my perspective.  -Dave
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“Don’t Take Yourself So Serious”

Dear Random Heckler, "Don't look so serious!" Your passing interruption struck me as I was writing my non-urgent email. Do I look serious all the time? Am I so serious that I miss opportunities to create art or see the beauty around me? What would it be like if we all took ourselves a little less seriously? I wish I knew where you worked so I could walk passed your office and return the favour.  -Dave