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The story goes far beyond the cover

Today’s letter was contributed by Sara-Anne (@sara___anne). Her words remind me that stories are often deeper than what we initially perceive. It is these deeper stories that make humanity so beautifully diverse. Check out more of her writing.
To the girl who thinks it's unfair some kids get extra time taking test because it gives them an advantage and better grade:  It is unfair. It's unfair that those kids have mostly struggled until high school until being diagnosed. It's unfair that they study for two hours and still experience test anxiety. It's unfair when they sit down to take the test and only think about how much time they should spend on each question. It's unfair they wonder if they can finish on time and then realize they have just wasted 4 minutes calculating the questions to time and most recalculate, wasting more time. It's unfair when EVERY single noise, smell, or visual stimulation is hyped to their brain. It's unfair when they start hearing book bags zip up and they have not even looked at the last two pages of the test. It's unfair when the other kids are leaving the classroom and they have to decide whether they have time to rush and finish, stay in the class and finish (that is, once they have remembered if the teacher has a class next), or come back later and finish the test (that is, if the certain teacher even allows that). It is unfair when the teacher forgets you have testing accommodations. When you thought they actually "cared" about each student personally. It's unfair when the teacher doesn't understand exactly why you need extra time when some days you can finish a test just like everyone else.   It's unfair to try 4 different medicines and 3 dosage differences after experiencing depression, migraines, panic attacks, anxiety, off of appetite, and loss of interest in being with friends. It's unfair when they have to have a million and one papers signed to even have their accommodations approved, and thats after being testing while moving little red blocks around.   So to the girl who thinks it is unfair for kids with testing accommodations, it's very unfair.   Always remember situations are not always as they seem. There is more to every story than you will know. And loosely joking about the fat kid, the black kid, the short kid, the kid with health issues, and the kid who has testing accommodations actually hurts. Our Creator made everyone different to bring glory to His name, having differences is not bad at all. Being different is a blessing, however it's never ok to let someone take your differences to far and act like they know what is like to have them too.
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I am a prisoner…

Dear Rolling Pedestrian, I'm not a big fan of walking.  I do it when necessary, you know, like walking from the couch to the fridge in search of my last beer.  I walk from the office to my car and from the car to my house. I've never walked to school. Other than the fact that I'm lazy, the point is that I can walk; I just choose not to. You, on the other hand, don't have the luxury of making that choice. You can't walk to school, even if you wanted to. You can't walk to your friend's house or take a stroll on the beach as the water laps at your bare toes. You are confined to a wheelchair yet you are navigating the sidewalk as if the two of you are old friends who see each other on a daily basis. In some ways I suppose your chair is like a prison, only allowing you to experience the world through the spokes of your cell. But I wonder who is really more free: the one who chooses to see the world from their limited vantage point, or the one who has the ability to see the world in all of it's fullness but chooses not to? I suspect it's the former.  -Dave
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The foundations of a father = The mirror is a lying bastard

Dear Blind Walker, I know you're deflated and your life may seem like one big disappointment after another. I've spent a lot of time reflecting on your life; rather the part I've been privileged to be part of and I can tell you that it deserves far more than being shrugged off as a disappointment. The wake of your life is immensely rich and reaches out to touch the far corners of the earth. From North America to Europe, Africa to Asia and back again the seeds of your life will live for generations to come. I have watched as your family has grown from 6 to 13; of which you are the solid foundation. There is much that I have learned from watching you over the years. But none have been more impactful than seeing you take every step of your journey by faith; not relying on your own sight. The mirror can often be a lying bastard; in these hard days, don't trust it. Simply step to one side and see the multitude of faces standing behind you.     You are the greatest man I know.  -Dave
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I’m a Whiny Little Bitch (So now what?)

Dear Displaced Refugee Rapper, Hearing your perspective made me realize just how good we have it here and how much we bitch like the spoiled brats we are. You come from war torn Sudan where barely escaped with your life and now call Canada your home. Simply put, your story is one of how my country saved your life and gave you the opportunity you would never have had otherwise. Yet what do I do? I bitch. I complain. I whine. I don't vote. I don't change. . .  . . .I'm ignorant to the amazing life that I am privileged to have; the one that you literally almost died to get.    (PS - I'm glad your voice is being heard)  -Dave
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The World Through Your Eyes

Dear Conscious Freestyle Runner, I want to remember your words every day for the rest of my life: "I see normal people walking around the city like this, with their heads down, or on their mobile phones. They aren't really interested in what goes on around them."  We hustle, we bustle. We are entertained, we do business. All while moving through a world with so much beauty to offer that we rarely recognize what is directly underneath our noses. "When we walk around we are like 'Ah!', seeing jumps everywhere and we are like 'Aaaahhh!'."   It through your eyes that I want to see my world.  -Dave
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When Worlds Collide (Punk Rock Fruit booter)

Dear Punk Rock "Fruit Booter", I love how the Suicidal Tendencies patch on the back of your army jacket and roller blading don't fit yet you still rock those blades hard doing moves that figure skaters would be envious of. Your twirls, one leg strides and other sweet moves that you're doing around me while I write this make me want to join in. I love how you're totally lost in your own world, one that makes no sense from my perspective.  -Dave
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The Skilled Precision of a Great Leader

Dear Model Leader, You have a gift. The way in which you addressed my life with clarity and authority is unmatched by anyone I know. You cut to the core with such gentle yet steady precision it was nearly painless. If only a few more leaders in this world would function with the caring humility in which you do, we'd all be in better hands. The mirror and I thank you.
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“Don’t Take Yourself So Serious”

Dear Random Heckler, "Don't look so serious!" Your passing interruption struck me as I was writing my non-urgent email. Do I look serious all the time? Am I so serious that I miss opportunities to create art or see the beauty around me? What would it be like if we all took ourselves a little less seriously? I wish I knew where you worked so I could walk passed your office and return the favour.  -Dave
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Your Lens Captures My Ungratefulness

Dear Asian Tourist,  I'm always fascinated to watch you walk around downtown taking pictures. you always look so excited to be here that it reminds me I'm in a pretty great place. I wish I could see my city through your eyes just for a day so I can fully realize how much I take for granted.  -Dave