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Shaping a generation, one soccer game at a time

Dear Proud Soccer Dad,  I can only assume that the lunch spread you had laid before you was a victory meal. Judging by the smile on your son's face and the shinpad clad legs happily swinging under the table, there was no other place your little boy would have rather been at that moment, and it wasn't because the soccer game was won. In fact, I'm sure that didn't even matter. It says a lot about you and the role in which you've played in his life. There are a lot of fathers who don't get the chance you have, and some who simply choose to play no part at all. But not you. You're choosing to shape and form the next generation. Keep going. You are making a difference.  -Dave
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Don’t Let Assholes Determine Your Worth

Dear Down Trodden Cashier, Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things is stressful and scary. Quite honestly, you looked like a deer in headlights that could only say two word: "I'm sorry." You looked frazzled and completely out of your element which showed in your lack of confidence and overly apologetic manner. Pushy customers wanting you to bend the rules because of their own selfishness and ignorance didn't help the situation at all. I know you were just filling while someone was away, but what if you hadn't been? What if this had been your first week in a brand new job that you really wanted to get good at? Too often we forget that we have a role to play in the success of those around us. Too often we push to get our way without considering what our selfishness may be doing to the confidence of those who are serving. We all make mistakes. It's how we learn. Yet our current cutlure doesn't accept any level of failure as an option. We don't care that it's your first day. You'd better be perfect. Don't ever apologize for learning. Don't ever give up because some asshole thinks he is better than you.  -Dave