0 were inspired.Were you inspired?

The foundations of a father = The mirror is a lying bastard

Dear Blind Walker, I know you're deflated and your life may seem like one big disappointment after another. I've spent a lot of time reflecting on your life; rather the part I've been privileged to be part of and I can tell you that it deserves far more than being shrugged off as a disappointment. The wake of your life is immensely rich and reaches out to touch the far corners of the earth. From North America to Europe, Africa to Asia and back again the seeds of your life will live for generations to come. I have watched as your family has grown from 6 to 13; of which you are the solid foundation. There is much that I have learned from watching you over the years. But none have been more impactful than seeing you take every step of your journey by faith; not relying on your own sight. The mirror can often be a lying bastard; in these hard days, don't trust it. Simply step to one side and see the multitude of faces standing behind you.     You are the greatest man I know.  -Dave