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I am a prisoner…

Dear Rolling Pedestrian, I'm not a big fan of walking.  I do it when necessary, you know, like walking from the couch to the fridge in search of my last beer.  I walk from the office to my car and from the car to my house. I've never walked to school. Other than the fact that I'm lazy, the point is that I can walk; I just choose not to. You, on the other hand, don't have the luxury of making that choice. You can't walk to school, even if you wanted to. You can't walk to your friend's house or take a stroll on the beach as the water laps at your bare toes. You are confined to a wheelchair yet you are navigating the sidewalk as if the two of you are old friends who see each other on a daily basis. In some ways I suppose your chair is like a prison, only allowing you to experience the world through the spokes of your cell. But I wonder who is really more free: the one who chooses to see the world from their limited vantage point, or the one who has the ability to see the world in all of it's fullness but chooses not to? I suspect it's the former.  -Dave