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The World Through Your Eyes

Dear Conscious Freestyle Runner, I want to remember your words every day for the rest of my life: "I see normal people walking around the city like this, with their heads down, or on their mobile phones. They aren't really interested in what goes on around them."  We hustle, we bustle. We are entertained, we do business. All while moving through a world with so much beauty to offer that we rarely recognize what is directly underneath our noses. "When we walk around we are like 'Ah!', seeing jumps everywhere and we are like 'Aaaahhh!'."   It through your eyes that I want to see my world.  -Dave
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Dammit! I wish I had a burrito.

Dear Brosef, As you roared passed me on your Harley, the only thought that went through my head was "Damn, I wish I had a burrito to throw out the window right now". My best friend Baxter (he's a dog) would be sitting on the seat beside me and I'd have an epic moustache that would make Tom Selleck jealous. I wondered if the situation would unfold like it did in the movies. Would I hit you with the burrito, knock you off your bike only to find out that you were Jack Black right before you punt Baxter off a bridge? Man! I wish had a burrito. Instead, I watched your tail lights fade as you sped into the night none the wiser. Me? I still have a huge smile on my face, still wishing I had a burrito. Here's the real crazy thing: you made my night. I'm in a better mood, and you have no clue that you played a huge role in that. How often do you think that happens? We honestly have no clue how our actions impact random observers. What would happen if we lived conscious of that? Would it change the way we act, behave or even treat people? I sure hope it will.  -I'm Ron Burgundy?
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Will Your Thinking Change My Actions?

Dear Lone Strider, Something struck me as I watched your relatively emotionless body head down the sidewalk to God knows where: I have no idea what you're thinking. This may seem like an obviously dumb thing to say, but I'm serious. I have no idea if you're happy or sad. No idea if you just had lunch with someone you love or if you just lost your job. I have no idea if you're shocked from just winning the lottery or if you're somber as you're about to end your life. The big question for me is if I have this knowledge, would it change my actions? Would I stop to congratulate you on recent success? Would I stop to encourage you if life took an unexpected downturn? Would stop and try to find you help if I knew you couldn't take this life anymore? What I realized is that we ignorantly carry on from day to day as the world passes us by. It's unrealistic to think that an individual can be there for everyone, but what if it was just a handful. I'd like to believe that part of our roles as humans is to look out for one another; and this extends beyond those immediately around you. I truly hope you're having a good day. And who knows, maybe next time I see you, you'll have some good news to share.  -Dave