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To the parents out there

Dear Parents, Take a good look at your child. Not the kind where you only look at the surface, but the kind where you know what’s bubbling underneath the exterior. What do you see? There is a reason why we fight so hard about what we want. We won’t pester you much about superficial things but you’ll know when something is important to us. Trust me, you’ll see right away. DON’T ignore what we have to say. TAKE into consideration our wishes. PLEASE don’t crush our dreams but not supporting us. Truth is, we’ll do it without your blessing and there will be this great barrier between us. We love you and we know that what you want for us will never be wrong. But there are some things that we are passionate about and they define us as a person. Don’t kill our person. Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: 3rd World Country

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To the men of the world

Dear Men of Planet Earth, I’m sympathetic, slightly. I don’t understand the appeal, but I know that for some reason, God created you to be attracted a certain way, and He created women to appeal to that attraction. Here’s the thing: When we’re having a conversation, I (as a woman) am looking at your eyes. I SEE you. I see your eyes dart away from mine. I SEE YOU. Do you get that? When you’re walking past me in a hallway, and we make eye contact, and then your eyes dart down, I SEE YOU. We all see you. I’d love to say that it’s flattering, but when your wife is standing a few feet away, or happens to be one of my friends . . . it’s sick, and it’s awkward. So you think boobs are cool. Awesome. I’m not a guy (or a lesbian), so I totally don’t get it. But I know that they’re private, and that these girls aren’t yours. So do the women of the world a favor and work on your eye contact, and remember, WE SEE YOU. EVERY. TIME. Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: Hot hot heat, TX

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Letter TO JAIL

I just read your letter, and I wanted to write back write away. I know we are not blood, but we are all created by the same god and I love you brother. I wish you nothing but the best and I will keep you in my prayers so that God can save you and shine his light down on you every single day may you receive his blessing, I pray for god to enlighten you and show you the way to his glory, I pray for god to be your guide through the valley of the shadow of death,, he will save you from its darkness. I BEG YOU FATHER TO TOUCH MY BROTHERS HEART AND GIVE HIM YOUR LOVE! please father I pray that my brothers soul be in your hands and that can save him and bring him home to his family. Please bring him god. I ask you to manifest your power in his heart and bring my brother home to his family a man of peace, a man of love, a man of respect and most importantly a man of God. I pray for you my brother so that you can come home and live with your family and live in peace. I hope God can teach you to be humble and fill your heart with faith, BECAUSE ONLY GOD, my brother ONLY HE can save you! Come back home to your family but don’t forget that GOD CREATED US BOTH and that he saves us EVERY SINGLE DAY GOD SAVES US! and we have to thank him because he loves us and his love for us is what keeps us alive. Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: San Diego, CA

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From Loud to quiet

I don’t consider myself ANYONE. I don’t even know if I have the right or if I should even consider telling you this. BUT i will. because it helped me. I started to analyze and really pay attention to my train of thought. and I began to identify which thoughts made me feel good and which thoughts made me feel bad. I noticed that the bad thoughts began in the morning most of the time there would be loud cursing, and my entire rest of the day went down the toilet. It was not easy, but I told myself i was going to stop processing bad thoughts. Instead of cursing myself every morning, I decided to notice how quiet and peaceful my life can be if I subtract all the negativity. I started by noticing how the birds sing and sun shines every morning. and I still dont got it down perfect, every now and then I find myself right back in step 1 all over again, but everyday is another chance for me to try and that is all we can do in this life. Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: san diego, ca

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Dear Graying College Student Wearing (Inappropriate) Shorts:

Sometimes I feel silly dragging my old body across a University campus, but today you let me fade into the university wall paper. No one looked at me; I credit you for this, sir. You were unaware of the many stares directed at you. I know this because you stood at a stop light and yelled at someone you knew in the parallel crosswalk. The young man was wearing ear buds, so you yelled louder and began to flail wildly on the street corner. It was an odd scene, accentuated by the way the young man waved back at you sheepishly, but this was not the odd part. From somewhere, a time-warp maybe, you discovered a pair of spandex shorts. I know you did not find these in your underwear drawer. If you had, you may have worn a pair of the nearby underwear, but you very clearly chose to NOT wear underwear. I do not claim to know whether your decision was based on a sense of pride, or whether this was an oversight, a faux-pas in your daily sequence, or if you thought, “No one can tell.” Allow me to address these possibilities in the order in which I have presented them: congratulations, everyone forgets things, and yes, everyone can tell. Whatever the case, you’ve got a lot of balls, man. I know. The only other possibility is that you just don’t care, a kind of jambalaya of the other presented renderings. In my mind I credited you with this option. Your carefree willingness to blithely share yourself with others put me at ease. I walked to my classes with unequaled confidence for the rest of the day. So, thanks. Yours, Ryan (AKA: dark khakis and, if you must know, boxer-briefs) Today’s letter was written by Name: Ryan […]

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