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Platforms Were Made to Change Lives vs. My Wife Makes Me Watch (I Swear)

Dear Maker of Dreams, Some may read this letter and think it's a shameless plug. From some perspectives, they may be right. But when someone inspires and engages in beautiful acts of humanity, it moves me. The cynic may even say that when you have lots of money it's easy to make people's dreams come true and they would be right in that assessment as well. But what I find so fascinating and encouraging about you is that you have worked hard for the platform that you now occupy and you're not skwandering it. It is not a place for you to shine in the spotlight but rather for you touch people in ways that they never dreamed possible. Yesterday you changed the lives of two little girls who got to not only meet their idol but perform with her as well. . . live on TV. Sure it'll probably come back to haunt them come graduation day I guarantee that they will never forget it.  I have seen so many people in your position treat it like a rightful throne. I have seen them use it for solely their own gain or push an agenda that is detrimental to the human spirit. But not you. Every day you set out to make people smile, laugh and most of all dance. You set out to change the lives of talented YouTube nobodies. You believe in people and share a humanity that often seems lost in selfish culture.
Today’s letter goes out to Ellen DeGeneres (@THEELLENSHOW) whose heart to make people happy and change their lives comes out every day.
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Reclaim Your Voice

Dear Voiceless 3 Year Old, I love watching your face light up as your left dimple sinks into your perfectly round cheek as you mouth the words “I have no boice!” What you don’t realize at your young age as you’re busy learning your ABC’s and watching the same episode of “Dora The Explorer” for the 3rd time in a day, is that you have just articulated what most in our society have failed to even recognize. We have lost our voice. I don’t mean that we’ve lost the ability to speak, far from it. But what we’ve lost is our own cadence: the flavour in which we express our dreams, our passions and the deepest parts of our souls. You’ve barely found your voice yet you’ve already lost it. Thank you for reminding me that I still have a voice.  -Dave
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A Dream’s Worst Nightmare

Dear Passive Aggressive Dreamer, I think we both know you have to choose. You either slip into a permanent pattern of illegitimate self loathing or you imagine and you create. You can't do both. Only one option allows you to surpass mediocrity and do something great. That's the one you choose. The world depends on you to make that choice. I depend on you to make that choice. Dream and be great.
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The Enveloping Power of Imagination (and a good book)

Dear Engrossed Pedestrian, I felt bad that you missed the entire pedestrian walk light after waiting to cross the street. I'm glad to know your book was really, really good though. I wonder what kind of brilliance would surface if our culture allowed us to get enveloped by our imaginations to the point where we miss crossing the street. Dream on my friend. I think you're on to something.