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Humanity is not easily broken (the day the world changed forever)

Dear Shirtless Morning Jogger, Yesterday was just like any other day. Yet it wasn't.  I drove my usual route to work listening to the news radio droning in the background, my mind lost in thought. I saw you, jogging in your all your senior, shirtless glory on what was shaping up to be another beautifully hot September day. A decade ago, September 11th was just another day.  Yet it wasn't.  I didn't wake up to see a younger more fit version of you jogging down the street. Not that day. Instead I woke up to a morning filled with fire, fear, hatred, loss, mourning, and for some (regretably). . . triumph. As the ensuing hours crept passed and I watched endless footage of strangers helping dig for the loved ones of those stuck watching in horror at home, one thing became glaringly apparent: Humanity is not easily broken.  As you were no doubt taking a usual route of your own I couldn't help but wonder if we were both remembering the lives that were tragically lost a decade ago.  I wonder if we were both remembering the triumphant display of unrelenting humanity of those who have helped rebuild a nation.                             I sure hope so.