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If there was a return for our defective parts, we’d all be perfect (and lacking in character)

Dear Self-Conscious Mail Collector, Our only encounter was one that was filled with a deafening silence. As I watched you sheepishly fish your little hand around inside the mailbox which most likely contained bills and flyers I could sense that you felt a little uneasy. I stood patiently and shifted on my feet a bit so you wouldn't notice that I was actually inching further away; trying desparately to ease the awkward tension. It wasn't until you turned the lock on your mailbox door and stepped back toward that street that I noticed the source of your angst: your plastic leg brace. As I watched you involuntarily hobble down the street with your head hung low, averting any eye contact with those passing by I could tell that you wished for nothing more than to shrink into oblivion. What struck me more than your intense self-consciousness at the mere of maybe 8, was the pain that I felt knowing that it was people like me who made you feel that way. Whether it's kids at school or their parents who let their gaze linger on your encased calf longer than necessary, we are the ones who make you feel defective . . . broken. Here's a little secret: we're all defective and broken. We're just good at pretending we're not. One day your leg will heal and you will walk tall while the rest of us continue to hide the brokeness we pretend we don't have.
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No Way! A F*****G iPad 2!?

Dear iPad Greeter, Generally when you run into someone you know, the standard greetings are: "Hey", "How's it going?", or "What's up?". "I just bought an iPad 2!" while holding up your Future Shop bag is generally not what you'd expect to hear first when you bump into an acquaintance. At first I thought it was rather odd and even a bit selfish, as if you were rubbing it in the guy's face that you had an extra grand to spend on your new toy. What I realized after creepily watching you and eavesdropping  from a rather unsafe distance was that it wasn't about showing off or telling your friend how cool you are. Rather, it was you expressing your excitement about something you've probably been anticipating for quite some time. You cut through the usual bullshit of the "Hi, how are you" and cut straight to "I'm super excited about this!". I think there's something we can all learn from your simple exchange: there is no right way to greet someone when you truly have something genuine to share with them.   -Dave
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My Assumptions Will Destroy You

Dear French Traveller, I wonder how many times you've been treated poorly simply because of your appearance. I humbly admit that I was somewhat cautious when I saw you for the first time. I'm sorry for my immediate distrust. I promise it will be different next time.  -Dave