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Dear Maimed Cyclist

It’s frustrating that the first thought to enter my head as I drove passed your limp body sprawled out in the middle of the highway was “What in the hell are you doing riding your bike in the middle of the highway?”

It’s frustrating that so many others were stopping but I didn’t want to get involved so I kept driving.

It’s frustrating that I assumed I couldn’t do anything anyway and that I’d simply get in the way.

It’s frustrating that this was and usually is my default position.

It’s frustrating that I don’t know if you’re okay. It’s frustrating that this letter is about me when I’m safe at home rocking on a porch swing with a drink in hand while you may not even see the sun rise tomorrow.



(Why does everything have to be about me?)


               – Dave


0 were inspired.Were you inspired?

In the face of defeat, leave the molotov cocktail at home

Today’s letter goes out to every Vancouver Canucks fan that held their heads high Matt Lockhart (@Treelines) for planking the riots after being defeated on home ice in game 7 of the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals. We’ll get ’em next year.

Dear Disappointed Fans, As the first goal was scored in the first period, I heard you and the entire provice gasp as if a knife had just been plunged into your heart. As time wore on and the minutes dwindled to the final horn I could see the disappointment in your forlorn face. What I didn't see was anger or destruction. It appears as though there will always be those idiots who take things too far but you are not one of them. Don't let the disgrace of other tear down your ability to be gracious. Although the loss was difficult and a long time coming, keep your head held high. Continue to support, cheer and fight for your team. Show the world that you know how to go down in defeat with dignity. You have a lot to be proud of by propelling your team to the Stanley Cup Finals. Some take the easy way out and create a path of destruction for destruction's sake. It far more difficult to look your opponent in the eye and say, "Well played, good sir. Next time you won't be so lucky."  -Dave