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A Brilliant Life That Deserves Celebrating

Today’s letter goes out to Kim A. Thomas (@kimathomas) ’cause it’s her birthday! If you haven’t yet, check out her project that celebrates the diverse daily street styles of Kelowna. Oh, and be sure to wish her a happy birthday. Dear Brilliant Birthday Girl, It was about a year ago that stumbled upon your brilliant work and huge heart for people. I remember reading your letter to Hanna and being gripped by your grasp of the human soul. As I continued to admire your work from afar, I was inspired to no end as you truly have a gift for capturing on film what it means to be human. In everything you do, your celebration of diversity and love for others shines like a beacon in an often cynical culture that preaches tolerance yet tolerates only themselves. Don't ever stop capturing the beauty of our humanity with the lens of your camera. Today you and your work deserve to be celebrated.  Happy Birthday. A Letter [to Hanna on death] by Kim A. Thomas