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would you “follow” @neuclare, if i asked nicely?

a friend, met through times of grief, sorrow and darkness like never before.
We touched base from time to time, but I don’t publish much. Still follow him
but cannot send him tweets, ’cause, when I send tweet to him, Twitter says,
“Message could not be sent. Recipient must follow you for note to go thru” – sorrow, sadness, loss and feeling of alienation. Can’t believe this. Used to have open, real time occasional tweets, but geographical change for me, has become a chasm between me, and a special group of “friends” who once were struggling, as I was, and welcomed me, a stranger – every Thursday morning!
Now, all but 2 or 3 precious folk, occasionally send a word. Fewer respond to my response. Is this deliberate? Wishing I would go away, disappear, while I long to keep in touch, with warmth & gratitude, for the friendship they shared, in the flesh. I don’t want to smother, distract, impose or seek benefits from them, other than true, simple, humble humanity – such as SEEMED to be growing, developing and shared around the table.
Are you still there?
Do I still enjoy human status, in your world?
Have I crossed a border, line, deserving punitive exile from y’all?
Grant me, please, the knowledge of my sin, name it for me, that I might see, vet the charge, confess & repent, if real. Restore unto me, the joy of your friendship, that I might live as one who never needs to feel alone and separated from my friends, nay true brothers, on the journey, walking together, as opportunity affords, with the steadfast spirit of unchanging Paraclete, with open arms, embrace, with gentle soul, and ears which hear, hands and heart which really feel, a life too soon become “complete”. Yet let not shortness of time ahead, or breadth of time to expend here, now. For we are offered life, and hope, to live today, as is our hope, for future blessings, not yet fulfilled, yet tasted sweetly, daily, monthly, annually, or when, we are always “ready” to be, what we wish could be, our lot in life, in harmony.
Do I have rights, to claim from you? You’re right I do, and demand them I could. That’s not the way grace and love should come my way, begrudged and burdened because I may retrieve my rights, and force my way. It’s better here, to be granted grace, in and through the freewill of my “other[s]”, for thus they reflect and represent the wonderful colour of Immanuel!
So will you, friend, be gently kind, and show what we all have signed, in our commitment to uphold another, though it cost a price, to be upheld, and offered “paradise”, as one who hung alongside Christ?

Today’s letter was written by Name: Clare
Twitter: @neuclare
Written From: my home in parksville
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Letter TO JAIL

I just read your letter, and I wanted to write back write away. I know we are not blood, but we are all created by the same god and I love you brother. I wish you nothing but the best and I will keep you in my prayers so that God can save you and shine his light down on you every single day may you receive his blessing, I pray for god to enlighten you and show you the way to his glory, I pray for god to be your guide through the valley of the shadow of death,, he will save you from its darkness. I BEG YOU FATHER TO TOUCH MY BROTHERS HEART AND GIVE HIM YOUR LOVE! please father I pray that my brothers soul be in your hands and that can save him and bring him home to his family. Please bring him god. I ask you to manifest your power in his heart and bring my brother home to his family a man of peace, a man of love, a man of respect and most importantly a man of God. I pray for you my brother so that you can come home and live with your family and live in peace. I hope God can teach you to be humble and fill your heart with faith, BECAUSE ONLY GOD, my brother ONLY HE can save you! Come back home to your family but don’t forget that GOD CREATED US BOTH and that he saves us EVERY SINGLE DAY GOD SAVES US! and we have to thank him because he loves us and his love for us is what keeps us alive.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous
Written From: San Diego, CA
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From Loud to quiet

I don’t consider myself ANYONE. I don’t even know if I have the right or if I should even consider telling you this. BUT i will. because it helped me. I started to analyze and really pay attention to my train of thought. and I began to identify which thoughts made me feel good and which thoughts made me feel bad. I noticed that the bad thoughts began in the morning most of the time there would be loud cursing, and my entire rest of the day went down the toilet. It was not easy, but I told myself i was going to stop processing bad thoughts. Instead of cursing myself every morning, I decided to notice how quiet and peaceful my life can be if I subtract all the negativity. I started by noticing how the birds sing and sun shines every morning. and I still dont got it down perfect, every now and then I find myself right back in step 1 all over again, but everyday is another chance for me to try and that is all we can do in this life.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous
Written From: san diego, ca
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Dear Punk Rock Dads

Thank you for giving a shit and reminding me what a real father looks like.

By society’s standards you are the least qualified human beings to ever enter parenthood. You’re irresponsible, you’re immature, you’re never home and you look ridiculous with your leopard print hair. Your entire youth has been spent fighting against the authority that you have now become.

Which is what makes you the most qualified person to ever raise a child.

You get the pain and the angst that kids go through. You understand the toll that a broken home can play on the life a child. You understand, more than most, the sacrifice that is involved in keeping a family together. You choose to be present in the moments that you are physically there because you know that those moments can be few and far between.

For those of us dads who are physically there most of the time but absent nonetheless, there is a lot that we can learn from you.

Your language may be foul. Your antics may not win you father of the year. But you have given a voice to entire generation and now you are raising the next one. You will do well and the world will change because of it.

‎Maybe the way we change the world is by raising better kids and being more attentive to those kids. Instead of writing a punk rock song maybe we just need to be better parents. I want to be around my kids, I want to be there when they want me to be there. I think that’s the punkest thing of all.

– Jim Lindberg (Pennywise)


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I still love you

Dear soon to be ex, I still love you, you have broken my heart, this time you have gone too far. You are back but you are not. You show you care but you care not. You are around but then you go.. and I know, I know you see her. I hurt, deeply, madly, desperately, I hurt. I now know I am not safe with you. How could you make me feel safe and loved again? There is no way ahead, but I still feel for you. I don’t understand God, I don’t understand why this suffering, I don’t understand why this moment in time where I am frozen, I cannot move on, I cannot move back. I only hurt. My dear soon to be ex, despite the pain, I wish you learn, and I wish you will be happy one day. I miss you and I will for a while. I only ask God for a chance to be alive again, not with you, this time with somebody else. But I still feel for you.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous
Written From: United Kingdom
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Today we celebrate you…

Dear Fathers,

I have been reflecting on the impact of your presence in my life and I honestly couldn’t not imagine what my life would be without you: ALL of you. I have been blessed to be the son of one of the greatest men to ever walk this earth and I made sure to tell my dad just that. But he is not the only father that has helped to shape who I am.

The finger prints of fathers are all over my life, from wise words of a grandfather and the sound advice of an uncle to the encouragement and challenge from a friend’s father to my own friends who are now fathers themselves. You have made me who I am and I am so grateful for each and every one of you.

I hope that today is filled with joy, love and fantastic breakfast of waffles whipped cream and bacon.

You deserve it.

From one father to another,

         – Dave

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Moms the Word

Dear Moms,

You are the greatest.

There is not much else that needs to be said. Without you, none of us would exist.

You brought each of us into the world. You fed us. You snuggled us. You tickled us and made us giggle. You laughed with us. You cried with us. You wiped our tears and helped heal our wounds. You showed us how to love.

You gave up your life to give us everything.

And we all love you for that.

One day of breakfast in bed and arbitrary gifts is not enough to express how grateful we are for everything you have done.

Today is your day. Make sure that you get spoiled.

You deserve it.

Thank you.

With all the love that it is my being,

– The one who takes you for granted 364 days of the year.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: Wherever Moms Are
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Dear Boy With the Twinkle in His Eye

I will never forget promises we whispered to each other in the cold nights. I will never forget your strength and the heart behind all of your giving. There is so much behind your smile and your words that a girl can get lost in it and feel… everything. All true meanings of what it is truly like to be able to tell our hurts and share our scars. I felt your love as strongly as I never imagined I could, I feel it every time your eyes met mine and you matched my pain every. single. time. There were so many times that your smile was the haven to my breaking heart, reaching across the room and enveloping me with your endless love. Which I allowed myself to be pulled into again and again and again.
Today, you have gathered me in your arms again, pulling me in and offering to be my rock as you have selflessly done so in the past. But for the first time since you first allowed me to seek refuge in your arms, I had the strength to pull away and face the world alone.
So thank you. Because you are the one who taught me that.
Yours, with all my heart.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: Canada
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Dear Future Woman who’s also named after the Mountains,

I find myself worrying for you. But I know you are with me, whispering to me, helping me make choices and changes to become more like you. I have faith in you. To bring forth all of the wonderful things I seek, and want.
I hope you have a wonderful lover and perhaps a perfect little moon-baby. Maybe a few! You picked out a really amazing lover, huh? Someone who takes polaroids because he knows you love them. And lets you decorate the apartment because it makes you so SO happy. I hope you don’t make a big deal about things, at least not for a very long time. And remember to go run if you want to use strong words…
Remember that everything is just an experience. And never forget to LOVE, okay? Please stay innocent, loving and beautiful. I get worried about how taxing our world can be on my sensitive self- just always be light. Always. You got that?
I hope you stay strong in boot camp. I wish you are a crazy, kick-ass, ninja, rock-star when you go. That you combat those head games with steely eyes and be a bad-ass who doesn’t cry like I am when people normally yell at me.
I hope you still do yoga, have gotten better about mailing out letters- and have stayed diligent about keeping in contact with your old, dear friends- even when you make hundreds more.
I wish you stay soft, and supple; ever-adapting like I always have.
Please remember all of the love your mother has taught you to share. Remember how giving and loving she is, remember the beauty of being able to stay and visit with your family when you were my age. Sharing the bed with your sister and our silly fights over clothes and me being overly-sensitive.
Don’t ever accuse your parents of not doing the best they could, whenever they could. Because they say how proud of me they are all the time. They transformed me into a kind person, be that person when I come to meet you, maybe learn to be kinder, and more giving, listen more too. I am trying to stop talking so much, hopefully it works by the time I meet you.
Pick a good husband to have as a lover. Perhaps never stop referring to him as that? A lover. I am praying that a man is being ripened and grown to meet you. I know he likes board games, and loves to stay in, play them while cuddling on Friday nights. He will go on runs with you and practice yoga. He takes lots and lots of pictures, like he can’t be any prouder to love you, and leaves sweet notes all over the house for you to find.
I’m excited to meet you and hear about all of the fascinating stories I can listen to. You have so many possibilities at your beautifully trimmed fingertips, cherish them, notice them and take advantage.
The girl you’re named after.

Today’s letter was written by Name: Sierra Twitter: sierra_iola Blog: http://www.sierrasink.com Written From: San Diego
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Dear “TheDailyLetter” Creators

I am so glad this has been created by YOU. A site filled with inspiration dripping from words and letters. Beauty told with pixels typed from fingers spanning the globe. Thank you for creating this little garden of wonder within the confines of the world-wide-web. And to the beautiful girl who shared this with me, I love you dearly.

Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: El Paso