a friend, met through times of grief, sorrow and darkness like never before. We touched base from time to time, but I don’t publish much. Still follow him but cannot send him tweets, ’cause, when I send tweet to him, Twitter says, “Message could not be sent. Recipient must follow you for note to go thru” – sorrow, sadness, loss and feeling of alienation. Can’t believe this. Used to have open, real time occasional tweets, but geographical change for me, has become a chasm between me, and a special group of “friends” who once were struggling, as I was, and welcomed me, a stranger – every Thursday morning! Now, all but 2 or 3 precious folk, occasionally send a word. Fewer respond to my response. Is this deliberate? Wishing I would go away, disappear, while I long to keep in touch, with warmth & gratitude, for the friendship they shared, in the flesh. I don’t want to smother, distract, impose or seek benefits from them, other than true, simple, humble humanity – such as SEEMED to be growing, developing and shared around the table. Are you still there? Do I still enjoy human status, in your world? Have I crossed a border, line, deserving punitive exile from y’all? Grant me, please, the knowledge of my sin, name it for me, that I might see, vet the charge, confess & repent, if real. Restore unto me, the joy of your friendship, that I might live as one who never needs to feel alone and separated from my friends, nay true brothers, on the journey, walking together, as opportunity affords, with the steadfast spirit of unchanging Paraclete, with open arms, embrace, with gentle soul, and ears which hear, hands and heart which really feel, a life too soon become “complete”. Yet let […]
would you “follow” @neuclare, if i asked nicely?
to the world
Thank you for everything. Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: Virginia
Letter to my future daughter
hi sweetheart, there are so many things i want to tell you…about life and what i’ve learned (so far). firstly i want to say i love you..though you do not exist yet (and most likely won’t till 6-8 years later). anyway…it’s because i love you that i wish i could put you in a safe…to..um…keep you safe…. i just don’t want to ever see you hurt… i want to refrain you from dating till you’re 50 just so i’ll be too old to see you get your heart broken… it happens to most people and its happening to me. i just want to say i’m sorry. i know how much it hurts and i wish i could take away the pain. i am always here for you if you want to talk . another thing, you are what you set your mind to be. never let anyone tell you you’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, talented enough…what ever…you are enough of you and thats what counts! i can’t wait ro hold you in my arms, watch you grow, to laugh and cry with you. i pray that i’ll be the parent you’ll need. and that this time im spending i’ll grow into that person. p.s being single isn’t such a bad thing…i’m single now and its good :). i love you me Today’s letter was written by Anonymous Twitter: Blog: Written From: zambia
Broken promises
To Whom It May Concern: I do not think as a black man I will ever get use to racism or discrimination especially when it affects children. It is a dirty and evil thing and it needs to be eliminated from society, but until men hearts are changed and converted that will never happen. My story begins with this lady/philanthropist offering me a grant for my non-profit mentoring program for at-risk and disadvantaged youths. She stated that my program had all of the credentials and skills needed to offer support and guidance to the youths I serve and she wanted to help. But when she discovered that I was an African-American and that my program helped a large percentage of African-American youths, she decided that my program was no longer in the running for the grant. I asked her, when did my program fall out of the running for the grant? She could not tell me but said that maybe next time. This makes me angry that in this day and time we are still facing bigots who are still judging people by the color of their skin instead of their character. It hurt me deeply to see this type of behavior, but what hurts more and disappointing is that I will have to tell the children as we were counting on that funding to do some great things. That is the hurting part most of all…. I am proud to be who I am regardless of what others may say or think of me. I am honored to work these youths and I will continue to work them, In spite of people like her. I know that there are genuine people in the world and others like myself who care and want to help make this world of ours […]
Babe, Part of today I really missed Kevin; more than I expected. And I was prideful because I think I should be “over” it by now.. whatever that means. None of my strength is depended on me and I need to remind myself that. I’m a weak vessel totally depended on Christ. I pray Christ will continue to heal me and remind me that he pursues me everyday, to remind me that I did the right thing in honoring Christ and you by ending things with that boy; to remind me that my ultimate desire in marriage is to marry a man who loves Jesus more than he could ever love a wife. To remind me that he has my heart, that he sees my hurt, and will remind me that he has paid my ransom. To remind me that I;m not this super human who has achieves proverbs 31 status yet. I need him to remind me that there is still so much work for me to do as a single; a different kind of work than if I was married serving you as your wife and mother of our sweet babies. I need to be constantly gospaled everyday because I forget the gospel everyday as flawed sinner. I need him to remind me that even if I never get married, Christ is more than enough and better than any human man would ever be to me. I need for him to remind me not to compare myself to my friends who are my age and married. I need him to remind me to settle, not to be discontent, and to run after him with passion. I need him to remind me of resting in where he has placed me. I need him to remind me that he will […]