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Two Hand Are Better Than One

Dear Double Clasp Handshaker, There was something overtly genuine as you firmly enclosed your friend's hand between the two of yours, all the while looking him in the eye. It was as if his departure was going to be the worst part of your day. You were engrossed in the moment, wanting to hang on to those last few moments. You weren't thinking about what you had for dinner, or wondering if you remembered to set your PVR to tape American Idol. You weren't thinking about the iPad 2 you were going to buy the next day, or the sea of 140 character updates you had just missed.  You were present. We get so lost these days in the lightning fast world we live that we often miss the things that actually make us tick; that actually encourage us and push on to being brilliant. We blow past the opportunities to spend time with great people. We don't hear the encouraging word that was muttered while our iPods are playing.  We miss the significance of a double clasped handshake.   -Dave
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Obsessive Creator

Today’s letter goes out to Lauren Dubinsky (@laurendubinsky). She is talented, creative, and has huge heart for humanity. She’s downright brilliant! Dear Obsessive Creator, I'm not going to lie, yesterday was a pretty cynical day. I have those. Probably too often. On days like them I need people like you. People to help me see again that there are good things out there. That the world isn't just full of self indulgent idiots trying to get you to drink their brand of Kool-Aid. Your simple love for all things good and human is something I aspire to, and I hope other do too.  -Dave
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Restoring My Faith In Humanity, 15 Minutes At A Time

Dear Selfless Change Agent, The simplicity in how you choose to impact people's lives is nothing short of genius. I never would have thought that 15 minutes, a week to do good for a stranger, could change their life.  But you did. Now there are thousands of people following your lead, changing the world, 15 minutes at a time. That's why I have faith in humanity. YOU. ARE. BRILLIANT.